Parent permission letter

You will need to get parent permission for your children to participate in Global Buddies. The following is an example of one that we have used. Feel free to copy and edit to meet your needs.

Dear Parents,
          I would like to connect my students in a global collaboration project to help them develop friendships, cultural understanding and insight between countries. Our 21st century world is providing our students an incredible opportunity to break down the barriers of distance through the use of technology and truly become intercultural and global citizens.  We have the unique opportunity to connect our class with (name and location of class). We will call this adventure Global Buddies.

I am inviting you and your child to participate in this opportunity which will take place (dates of collaboration). Your child’s participation is voluntary and does not reflect in any way on his/her grades. You have the right to discontinue your child’s participation at any time. Every effort will be made to maintain your child’s confidentiality by using only first names. Your child will be participating in writing and art activities which will be shared between the classes. With your permission, we would like to share photographs of the children and possibly audio tapes of teacher led discussions of life in our countries.  The writings and photographs will be shared on a secure educational internet site that can only be accessed by the teachers, students and parents with a password. We also hope to communicate through the use of Skype so that the children can “visit” with each other via the use of technology.

I hope you and your child will decide to participate in this collaboration as your participation will help to encourage our children to appreciate the global community we can build in our world.   By signing below you consent for your child to participate in this collaboration. Please send this letter back to school by (date).

The work we do together will not detract from your child’s educational curriculum but will enhance the skills already being taught. (List standards or goals you can teach through this collaboration so parents can see how activities such as these expand their child’s learning in language arts, geography and social studies.) This Global Collaboration will encourage your child to become a life long learner, develop his/her full potential, learn how to “think outside the box” and explore international friendships.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for considering your child’s participation in this opportunity. I look forward to sharing this global adventure with you and your child.




My child, ____________, has my permission to participate in Global Buddies with his/her class.
________________ (Parent signature)        